Monday, August 2, 2010

Mama, mama, mama...mama? Mamma! Mama.

There was a time when I could not wait to hear Emma say the word "mama" & know what it meant.  And I feel the same way about Dean finally saying it to me.  But goodness gracious.  I am pretty sure Em has said "mama" twenty-seven-thousand times today....and it's not even 5.  I love the girl.  && I love when she says this.  But I really, truly did just put cartoons on so she would be quiet for 5 minutes. 

Is that wrong?

I need to remember what I told my bf Jill the other day.  One of these days, she is going to be 16 and MAD, and she's going to drive away in a hurry to some boys house.  At that moment, I'm going to think to myself, "Gosh, I wish she was 2 again and my biggest problem was how many times she said 'mama' to me in a day."

....and now I feel guilty.  :(

I'm not the only one that does this right?


  1. yay. i'm glad you enabled comments. i know what you mean. "it won't be like this for loooonnngggg."

  2. You deserve a break every once in awhile. :)
